As I Turn 30

Shaveen Bandaranayake
6 min readNov 23, 2020
Amma, Appachchie and I, 2018. Photography: Dilip Kumar Wijendran
With Amma & Appachchie, 2018. Photography: Dilip Kumar Wijendran

It’s a strange and wonderful feeling turning 30 but overwhelmingly burdensome as well. You’d feel a sense of haste to recollect everything you’ve done for three decades and worse still attempt to reflect if you’ve done enough. You try to quantify the moments you’ve had that you cherish, the ones you wish you had never encountered and those you wish you had. What I reflect on, I pen here.

I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have been in the midst of some extraordinary circumstances, both willingly and unwillingly, that shaped me both emotionally and spiritually; to look at people, the country and circumstances pragmatically as opposed to simply superficially.


Amma, Appachchie, Punchi, Bappi & I in West Virginia, 1996
Amma, Appachchie, Punchi, Bappi & I in West Virginia, USA, 1996

My perceptions of love, life and virtue must in its entirety be accredited to my family, the tight-knit one that I have. It is because of them that I ‘feel’ what I feel. Circumstances over the past several years have created a persona of who my family is publicly but haven’t really put into context who they are in reality.

They are loving, they are kind and above all they are righteous in their endeavours. It is their ability to traverse adversity with a smile on their faces and their unwillingness to stray from what’s right and just, even in the face of personal loss, that shaped the way I see and approach the world myself. For being the pillars of strength that they were, that they are and that they continue to be — I am forever grateful.

To Amma, Appachchie, Punchi & Bappi — I am who I am, because of the four of you.


If a person in my life can encapsulate where I was, where I am and where I may end up — it’s Hesh. Having met her and spent the entirety of my adult life thus far with her has not just been the most rewarding part of it, but also the most necessary. She’s been with me through my ups and downs, seen me at my strongest and weakest moments and been the loving, constant sparkle that she’s always been.

Heshanthi and I in 2015
Heshanthi and I in 2015. Photography: Charith Abeyrathne

She often asks me what she means to me. The truth is that she is the ‘meaning’ itself. She is my north star, the one that regularly guides and grounds me in realities and I would not be able to imagine traversing through the tumults of the past decade without her by my side.

Proposed to Heshanthi, 2016

Thank you sweetheart and to your loving ‘army’ of a family that will soon become my own; for being my muse and confidante


Team Asenshal, 2011
Team Asenshal, 2011

Asenshal was by far the best opportunity at learning that I’ve had. Shashin, Senthooran, Heshanthi and I built an advertising agency around an idea and grew it as much as we could. From paying ourselves Rs. 20,000 a month as a ‘salary’ and spending it all each month on company matters, only to be reimbursed the same amount and so on; to the boardrooms of companies filled with apprehensive and often judgmental ‘leaders of industry’, listening to a pitch purely because they had to indulge us.

Car v Plane, 2017. Written & Directed: Shaveen Bandaranayake
Car v Plane, 2017. Written & Directed: Shaveen Bandaranayake

But, looking back at it now, it was clear that we were way ahead of our time in some things and way behind in others.

The Rule of Why: A Contemporary View of Advertising by Shaveen Bandaranayake, 2017, Sarasavi Publishers
The Rule of Why: A Contemporary View of Advertising by Shaveen Bandaranayake, 2017, Sarasavi Publishers

For what it’s worth, we did things we could be proud of. Most of those involved in Asenshal are scattered all over the country and the world right now but, for a brief period in each of our lives, I feel, we were involved in something magical.

To Appachchie, Senthooran, Shashin, Heshanthi, Rama, Chanika, Buddhima, Charith, Chinthaka, Chamara, Dayananda and Sumith — thanks for the journey.


Enough has been said about this period of our lives by those who perpetrated it and opposed it. You can even read about the most accurate account of it HERE

Amma, Appachchie and I leaving CJ’s residence, 2013
Amma, Appachchie and I leaving CJ’s residence, 2013

To me, the impeachment saga was a turning point in my life in more ways than one. I understood how fragile our concepts of right and wrong are and more importantly, how manipulative and exploitative people can be. It drove me to explore my inner demons. Brought me to moments of anger and fury and at times, solemn tears.

Parliamentary Election 2015, Independant Group 9
Parliamentary Election 2015, Independant Group 9

Through all of this though, it made me want more for myself and through me for others. I contested a Parliamentary Election independently, because I lost faith in everything and everyone who sought to govern us. I lost. But, it was the first time I had the right to vote and I voted for myself. If ever I was to be let down by someone, I’d rather it be me, I told myself.

As much as the impeachment made it hard to do certain things, it made making certain other decisions easy. The disillusionment I felt about how ignorant people are about the law blossomed into what I do and have devoted my life to today.

The Law Simplified

I’ve often heard of people finding their calling at a very young age and others who’ve never discovered it. I feel fortunate to have stumbled into mine and being able to add value to people around the world through The Law Simplified.

The Law Simplified Studio, 2018
The Law Simplified Studio, 2018

What began as my notes in law, gathering dust in a storeroom, is now the world’s largest independent online law school. I have told myself that, if I’m able to change the perception of a single person in his/her understanding of the law and how important it is to stand true to one’s virtues; everything I’ve done with The Law Simplified in the past 7 years would be worthwhile.

To the 30,000+ Law Simplified Alumni worldwide — Thank you for helping me evolve into a better teacher.

Thirty for me is the point which truly feels like a changing of gears. It’s akin to a set of training wheels being taken off and the time I’ve been afforded to learn, ending. It’s as if I’ve finally been able to take stock of what I’m good at, who people are and more importantly, what I’m meant to become.

Here’s to whatever comes next.

Shaveen Bandaranayake

23rd November 2020

